Monday 23 November 2009

What the chart is about

The data posted on this blog came off the Guardian data-store website. I found the source I wanted to look at the happenings during the US Election results from the 2008 Presidential Elections, between now President Obama and his Republican nominee for President John McCain.

I wanted to see the number of votes Barack Obama received from States he may not have won over, and with the help of the Guardian’s data-store this was available to me.

There are hundreds of other links available to gain data but unfortunately the lack of Sports data available made this a little less worthwhile as we wanted. As a sports journalist I found that rummaging through pages of DNA results, Swine Flu findings and the best holiday resorts in England to be a little boring.

My graph that has been posted below shows the Major states voting patterns from the election, with the States being shown in alphabetical order rather than going from most votes to least votes as it is easier to view the state you are looking for.
I hope the chart helps you view what you are looking for.

Related links to the article used;